What is Spiritual Formation?

The dictionary defines formation as “the action of forming or process of being formed.” It follows that spiritual formation is spirituality in progress. It is never finished. One cannot judge one’s own spiritual life against another’s as they are both in flux—one is not “better than” another.
Consider spiritual formation as a journey—with detours, drawbridges, potholes, scenic vistas and moments of pure delight and inspiration.
Here are three tools for starting a spiritual formation journey:

+Provide regular down time for quiet reflection: a lemonade on the porch, a yoga class, a canoe ride on a river, lying under an afghan in an air-conditioned apartment, designating a candle and a place for reading Scripture, devotional material or opening a blank book for sketching, dreaming, praying or doodling.IMG_0339
+ Stretch beyond your usual worldview. Make a point of reading an opposing argument or check out the blog or website of another religious perspective or read non-religious postings. Instead of listening to your customized playlist, expand your listening repertoire—if you like hip-hop, listen to country, if NPR makes your heart sing, listen to WTMJ. Breathe through opposing or challenging viewpoints and be attentive to diverse voices, music, news and ideas.
+ Meet the “other” face to face. Introduce yourself to someone whose culture, worldview, interests, school district, office environment, parenting style, Women’s Circle, or service club is different from yours. Pray for people who challenge you, frighten you, baffle or offend you. Jesus moved beyond borders, prayed for his enemies, and included the outsider. Could this be part of our spiritual formation, too?